Bits & Pieces – I Gondolieri

Bits & Pieces – I Gondolieri

Bits & Pieces – I Gondolieri 150 150

Tutti Bravissimi!

Perhaps you have already hauled the dusty canoe, or the rowboat or the kayak or the sailboat, out of it’s winter resting place and launched it onto a glistening lake or river. Perhaps you have been lucky enough to have travelled the ancient canals of Venice by gondola in a past life. If so, you might feel that ‘life is good’ with an oar, rudder or paddle in hand and the wind at your back, basking in the sun … or the moon. Whatever your past nautical experience, Giacchino Rossini’s I Gondolieri can still sing to the sailor in you.

Sail on, under a fast sky, beautiful is the resplendent sky. The moon is without a veil, without tempest the sea. To row, to rest upon the expanse of water, to the gondolier is given among good things the best. Sail on. No matter if the sun is brilliant, or sad appears the moon; always on the lagoon the gondolier is king.”