
Bennewitz Quartet Monday July 8, 7:30 pm

Bennewitz Quartet Monday July 8, 7:30 pm 1024 682

Music and Beyond and Almonte in Concert are pleased to bring to Almonte Old Town Hall the Bennewitz Quartet on Monday, July 8 2019. Founded in 1998, this string quartet is considered one of the top international chamber ensembles.  For more information and to purchase tickets, individual and group,  go to the Music and Beyond…

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Almonte in Concert Brings Shoestring Opera to Almonte Schools

Almonte in Concert Brings Shoestring Opera to Almonte Schools 1024 768

On Friday November 9th, Toronto’s Shoestring Opera presented Schoolyard Carmen to students in Grades 3-6 of all three Almonte Elementary schools. They arrived at the Almonte Old Town Hall full of anticipation and the performance didn’t disappoint.  Schoolyard Carmen tells an inspiring story of independence accompanied by Bizet’s music.  Feisty Carmen, a newcomer to the…

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Almonte in Concert Names the Steinway Concert Grand Piano

Almonte in Concert Names the Steinway Concert Grand Piano 1024 672

On Saturday, October 20 at 7:30 pm in the Almonte Old Town Hall, the first concert of the Almonte in Concert (AIC) season will present The New Gen pairing two of Canada’s emerging artists with an artistic mentor featuring Brian Mangrum (horn) and Boson Mo (violin) with mentor Jamie Parker (piano). Program highlights include the…

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Free Lecture: Musical Therapy in a Medical Setting

Free Lecture: Musical Therapy in a Medical Setting 638 825

Wednesday March 28: 7:00 – 9:00 pm at Almonte Old Town Hall

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What’s That Music I Hear?

What’s That Music I Hear? 634 420

December 18, 2017 On Friday December 8th Almonte in Concert, in partnership with the Ottawa Chamber Music Society, presented two concerts at the Almonte Old Town Hall. Almost 400 children Grades 3-4 and 5-6 from all three Almonte elementary schools, Naismith Memorial, R.Tait McKenzie and Holy Name of Mary, filled the hall with energy and…

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Almonte in concert in partnership with Ottawa Chamberfest is bringing two concerts to the Almonte Old Town Hall on Friday December8, 2017 at 10:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. as part of their commitment to youth outreach. Students from Grades 3-6 of all three Almonte elementary schools will be attending these engaging one-hour concerts. Uniquely geared…

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Almonte in Concert Partners with Chamberfest

Almonte in Concert Partners with Chamberfest 300 403

The Bicycle Opera Project in Almonte Almonte in Concert partners with Ottawa’s Chamberfest to bring you a weekend extravaganza. It’s a bike ride, it’s a pot luck supper, it’s a concert, so join us for a weekend of music and fun! Detailed schedule at

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