Almonte in Concert Names the Steinway Concert Grand Piano

Almonte in Concert Names the Steinway Concert Grand Piano

Almonte in Concert Names the Steinway Concert Grand Piano 1024 672

On Saturday, October 20 at 7:30 pm in the Almonte Old Town Hall, the first concert of the Almonte in Concert (AIC) season will present The New Gen pairing two of Canada’s emerging artists with an artistic mentor featuring Brian Mangrum (horn) and Boson Mo (violin) with mentor Jamie Parker (piano). Program highlights include the Brahms Horn Trio, Franck’s Sonata in A for violin and piano, and Schumann’s Adagio and Allegro for horn and piano.

At this concert the Steinway piano will be named after Jamie Parker, who selected it for AIC in November 2002.  We are thrilled to have Jamie perform at the concert and we encourage you to join us for this very special occasion.

In 2001 the AIC Board began the task of fundraising in order the purchase a new piano and raised the $92,000.00 that was required, not a small feat for the organisation.

On November 1 2002, three Board members visited the Steinway factory in Queens, New York City accompanied by Jamie Parker and his colleague, composer William Hirtz.  After a fascinating tour of the factory, many hours were spent playing different pianos.  In arriving at the final selection Jamie felt that the chosen piano provided the best balance in all ranges and he liked its “touch”.   It was an interesting process for us all, an experience not to be forgotten.

Time has shown that Jamie did indeed make a wonderful choice for us. So many musicians have commentated on the quality of the sound and how they love playing it. Over the years the piano has become an important part of our community, being used for other concerts, events and recordings.

For more information and ticket purchase visit